
Kindly can you tell me what is sottiletta


Domanda: Kindly can you tell me what is sottiletta

Hi ,in the recipe of rotolini di Zucchine there is written 1 sottiletta ,can someone tell me what it is.

Thank you
Vicky Galea

Da ufesa, Inserito il 11/10/2013, 07:36

2 risposta (e)


Hi Marella ,Thank you for your answer.
Will try this recipe ,looks pretty nice
Vicky Galea

Da ufesa , at 11/10/2013, 11:30:12
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In the US they are known as Singles: thin slices of melted cheeses (usually of fairly bad quality), individually packed.
It can be substituted with a very thin slice of cheese of the quality that melts easily, without giving out liquids (i.e. Cheddar).

Da marella , at 11/10/2013, 10:44:48
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